Hearing exhibits

The following documentation was tendered during hearings held as part of the Commission of Inquiry into Forensic DNA Testing in Queensland.

Exhibit number Title Tendered
225 Professor Linzi Wilson-Wilde OAM PhD, Report into Rayon swabs and ethanol, 18.11.2022 25/11/2022
225b Professor Linzi Wilson-Wilde, Report on QHFSS DNA profile generation success rates, 24.11.2022 25/11/2022
226 Explanation of data for Items 11 and 12 (No DNA and DIFP), 22.11.2022 25/11/2022
227 Items 11 and 12 (No DNA and DIFP) (not to be published) 25/11/2022
228 Item 15 Original Data provided by QH (not to be published) 25/11/2022
229 Item 15 QH Data annotated by COI (not to be published) 25/11/2022
230 List of result lines included in data for “produced a DNA profile that can be used for comparison to a reference sample” (not to be published) 25/11/2022
231 Explanation of data in Items 11, 12, 14 and 15 25/11/2022
232 Updated explanation of data in Items 11, 12, 14 and 15 25/11/2022
233 Item 14 – email information, 23.11.2022 25/11/2022
234 Item 14 – data (all samples) (not to be published) 25/11/2022
235 Bundle of three working spreadsheets 25/11/2022
236 List of Documents - General 25/11/2022
237 Bundle of Documents - General 25/11/2022
238 List of Documents – Options paper 25/11/2022
239 Bundle of Documents – Options paper 25/11/2022
240 List of Documents - Concentration 25/11/2022
241 Bundle of Documents - Concentration 25/11/2022
242 List of Documents - Statements 25/11/2022
243 Bundle of Documents - Statements 25/11/2022
244 List of Documents – Police and SAIK Collection 25/11/2022
245 Bundle of Documents – Police and SAIK Collection 25/11/2022
246 List of Documents – 1st Call Consultancy 25/11/2022
247 Bundle of Documents – 1st Call Consultancy 25/11/2022
248 List of Documents – Confidential Bin 25/11/2022
249 Bundle of Documents – Confidential Bin 25/11/2022
250 List of Documents – Workplace Edge 25/11/2022
251 Bundle of Documents – Workplace Edge 25/11/2022
252 List of Documents - Blackburn 25/11/2022
253 Bundle of Documents - Blackburn 25/11/2022
254 Dr Duncan Taylor, QH STRmix review, 21.11.2022 25/11/2022
255 Duncan Taylor 3-person mixture example profile, 24.11.2022 25/11/2022
256 35007v4 - Use of STRmix Software, 06.09.2021 25/11/2022
257 33773v3 - Procedure for Profile Data Analysis using the Forensic Register, 10.03.2022 25/11/2022
258 36061v1 – Procedure for Resolving DNA Profile Interpretation Differences of Opinion, 10.09.2021 25/11/2022
259 17168v14 – Basics of DNA profile interpretation, 13.07.2020 25/11/2022
260 33188v4 – Introduction to DNA profile interpretation, 10.06.2020 25/11/2022
261 STRmix 2.8 User’s Manual, 20.10.2020 25/11/2022
262 STRmix v2.8.0 Release and Testing Report, 29.09.2020 25/11/2022
263 STRmix 2.8 Test Report , 29.09.2020 25/11/2022
264 STRmix 2.8 Implementation and Validation Guide, 20.10.2020 25/11/2022
265 STRmix 2.8 Operation Manual, 29.09.2020 25/11/2022
266 STRmix 2.8 Installation Manual, 29.09.2020 25/11/2022
267 STRmix guideline document: ‘The highest posterior density for the Monte Carlo effect in STRmix’, 07.2020 25/11/2022
268 Advice from STRmix to Emma Caunt regarding changing from 9700 to Proflex thermocyclers, 21.04.2021 25/11/2022
269 QHFSS internal document: 4P Mixture Discussion Paper, 01.10.2020 25/11/2022
270 QHFSS internal document: Single Source High Stutter Guidelines Assessment, 07.2021 25/11/2022
271 QHFSS internal document: Assessment of the Number of Contributors for Mixed PowerPlex 21 DNA Profiles within Forensic DNA Analysis, 02.2015 25/11/2022
272 Project 231 Implementation Plan – Verification of STRmix v2.8, undated 25/11/2022

Proposal 231 – Verification of STRmix v2.8.0 Report, 03.2021


  • Excel workbook
  • Excel workbook
  • Excel workbook
274 Email correspondence regarding feedback on Verification of STRmix v2.8.0 Report, 25.10.2021 25/11/2022
275 Email from Emma Caunt to Commission of Inquiry regarding STRmix including attached Minor Change – PowerPlex21 (Casework Baseline on 3500xL using Data Collection version 4), 11.11.2022 25/11/2022
276 Email from Emma Caunt to Commission of Inquiry regarding stutter thresholds including attached spreadsheet (QIS 35008), 16.11.2022 25/11/2022
277 Proposed draft non-publication order 13 28/11/2022
278 Email chain between David Neville to Lara Keller, ‘FW: FSS SOP draft memo’ 08/12/2022
279 Statement of Helen Gregg, dated 26.10.22 08/12/2022
280 Statement of Helen Gregg, dated 01.12.22 08/12/2022
281 Statement of Paula Brisotto, dated 25.11.22 08/12/2022
282 Statement of Paula Brisotto, dated 30.11.22 08/12/2022
283 tatement of David Keatinge, dated 25.11.22 08/12/2022
284 Email from Lara Keller to Nicola Lord, ‘RE: Further Instructions Requested - Updated Terms of Reference - Systems and Processes Review’ 08/12/2022
285 OQI 19330, Allan McNevin 08/12/2022
286 Email from Jasmina Joldic to Aaron Suthers, ‘Fwd: Testing pause timeline’ 08/12/2022
287 Email from [Redacted] to Cathie Allen, ‘RE Staff Movements’ 08/12/2022
288 Lara Keller file note of meeting with Kylie Rika on 15 March 2022 08/12/2022
289 Email From Cathie Allen To Andria Wyman-Clarke and Paul Csoban 08/12/2022
290 Transcript of Press Conference of Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Health Minister Yvette D’Ath 08/12/2022
291 QPS OPM Issue 72 Public Edition 1.11 QPRIME Occurrences 08/12/2022
292 Statement of Paula Brisotto, 06.12.2022, including annexures ‘PB185’ to ‘PB205’ 09/12/2022

Exhibit number Title Tendered
187 Heidi Baker and Dr Rebecca Kogios, Review of the current operations of the QH FSS DNA Analysis Unit, 28.10.2022 01/11/2022
188 FSS.0001.0011.2110_0001 - Einot et al., Reducing the Workload Analysis of DNA Profiling Efficiency of Case Work Items, 19.07.2017 01/11/2022
189 Index to Bundle of Documents: General 02/11/2022
190 Bundle of Documents: General (withheld) 02/11/2022
191 Index to Bundle of Documents: Options paper 02/11/2022
192 Bundle of Documents: Options paper 02/11/2022
193 Index to Bundle of Documents: Concentration 02/11/2022
194 Bundle of Documents: Concentration 02/11/2022
195 Index to Bundle of Documents: DIFP & No DNA Reporting 02/11/2022
196 Bundle of Documents: DIFP & No DNA Reporting 02/11/2022
197 Index to Bundle of Documents: Complaints about DIFP or ESU referrals 02/11/2022
198 Bundle of Documents: Complaints about DIFP or ESU referrals 02/11/2022
199 Index to Bundle of Documents: Reworking 02/11/2022
200 Bundle of Documents: Reworking 02/11/2022
201 Index to Bundle of Documents: Survey material 02/11/2022
202 Bundle of Documents: Survey material 02/11/2022
203 Index to Bundle of Documents: Sperm microscopy 02/11/2022
204 Bundle of Documents: Sperm microscopy 02/11/2022
205 Index to Bundle of Documents: Validations 02/11/2022
206 Bundle of Documents: Validations 02/11/2022
207 Index to Bundle of Documents: Police collection 02/11/2022
208 Bundle of Documents: Police collection 02/11/2022
209 Index to Bundle of Documents: SAIK collection 02/11/2022
210 Bundle of Documents: SAIK collection 02/11/2022
211 Index to Bundle of Documents: Police & SAIK collection statements 02/11/2022
212 Bundle of Documents: Police & SAIK collection statements 02/11/2022
213 Index to Bundle of Documents: Review of the current operations of the laboratory 02/11/2022
214 Bundle of Documents: Review of the current operations of the laboratory 02/11/2022
216 Email from Heidi Baker to Commission of Inquiry, ‘Sampling techniques and reporting DNA by QPS’, 01.11.2022 02/11/2022

Exhibit number Title Tendered
128c Index to bundle of documents in relation to DNA IQ contamination, 21.10.2022 24/10/2022
129 Bundle of documents in relation to DNA IQ contamination 24/10/2022
130 Statement of Lara Keller, 20.09.2022, including annexures ‘LK-01’ to ‘LK-105’ 24/10/2022

Supplementary statement of Lara Keller, 21.10.2022, including annexures ‘LK-106’ to ‘LK-145’

EXH 131a - Employee movement form

132 Further supplementary statement of Lara Keller, 23.10.2022, including annexure ‘LK-146’ 24/10/2022
133 Email from David Neville to Lara Keller, ‘RE Testing thresholds’, 21.02.2022 24/10/2022
134 Email chain from Bruce McNab to David Neville, ‘RE Testing thresholds’, 11.05.2022 24/10/2022
135 Email from Lara Keller to Cathie Allen, ‘FW Agenda for today’s FSS-QPS meeting?’, 01.02.2022 24/10/2022
136 Agenda document and notes, 13.01.2022 24/10/2022
137 Email from David Neville to Cathie Allen, 'RE Testing thresholds', 01.04.2022 24/10/2022
138 Email chain from Bruce McNab to David Neville, ‘RE Testing thresholds’, 11.05.2022 25/10/2022
139 Email from Bruce McNab to Alisa La Pila and David French, ‘Fwd DOC22/274597 Ltr to DG Health re DNA Sample triaging & EBN QHFSS DNA sample triaging’, 06.06.2022 25/10/2022
140 Email from David Neville to Lara Keller and Cathie Allen, ‘FW DNA insufficient further testing’, 30.05.2022 25/10/2022
141 Email from Lara Keller to Bruce McNab, ‘FSS advice regarding DNA reporting’, 21.06.2022 25/10/2022
142 [withheld] 25/10/2022
143 Email from Justin Howes to Cathie Allen, ‘RE Options Papers – First one and Draft of Second’, 3.06.2022 25/10/2022

Statement of Justin Howes, 09.08.2022.

Including annexures JH-1 to JH-36.

145 Statement of Justin Howes, 16.08.2022, including annexures ‘JH-1’ to ‘JH-72’ 25/10/2022
146 Statement of Justin Howes, 25.08.2022, including annexures ‘JH-1’ to ‘JH-11’ 25/10/2022

Statement of Justin Howes, 16.09.2022.

Including annexures ‘JH-1’ to ‘JH-11’.

148 Statement of Justin Howes, 06.10.2022, including annexures ‘JH-1’ to ‘JH-79’ 25/10/2022
149 Email from Cathie Allen to Justin Howes and Paula Brisotto, ‘FW Auto-microcon process – P1 workflow’, 20.11.2018 26/10/2022
150 Email from Justin Howes to Cathie Allen, ‘RE Microcon Options Paper’, 05.02.2018 26/10/2022
151 Email from Justin Howes to Cathie Allena and Paula Brisotto, ‘RE Removal of the microcon step - QPS advice.’, 21.11.2018 26/10/2022
152 Email from Justin Howes to Adrian Pippia, Kylie Rika, & Sharon Johnstone, ‘RE Example of M’con of sample that was Insufficient for further processing (0.00551)’, 23.10.2018 26/10/2022
153 Email from Allan McNevin to Justin Howes, ‘RE docs’, 10.06.2018 26/10/2022
154 Email from Justin Howes to scientists, ‘statement wording’, 05.08.2016 26/10/2022
155 SBM.DPP.0002.0001_R - Submission from the Director of Public Prosecutions to Commissioner Sofronoff regarding ‘DIFP’ and ‘No DNA’, 07.10.2022 27/10/2022
156 FSS.0001.0001.9355_R - Standard Operating Procedure 17117V19, ‘Procedure for Case Management’, valid from 24.04.2017 27/10/2022
157 FSS.0001.0001.9191_R - Standard Operating Procedure 17117V16, ‘Procedure for Case Management’ 11.12.2012 27/10/2022
158 FSS.0001.0051.5049_R - Email from Cathie Allen to Justin Howes and Paula Brisotto, ‘RE Removal of the Microcon step – QPS advice’, 06.12.2018 27/10/2022
159 FSS.0001.0011.1830_R - Email from Amanda Reeves to Justin Howes, ‘184 final feedback’, 09.01.2018 27/10/2022
164 Diary notes of Justin Howes, 02.12.2021 27/10/2022
165 Email from Justin Howes to Mathew Hunt, Kylie Rika, & Sharon Johnstone, ‘FW change to statement format’, 4.05.2018 27/10/2022
167 Email from Sharon Johnstone to others, ‘RE Minimum standard wording for statements’, 22.05.2018 27/10/2022
168 Statement of Catherine Allen, 21.07.2022, including annexures ‘CA-01’ to ‘CA-04’ 27/10/2022
169 Statement of Catherine Allen, 12.08.2022, including annexures 'CA-01’ to ‘CA-09’ 27/10/2022
170 Statement of Catherine Allen, 25.08.2022, including annexures 'CA-01’ to ‘CA-07’’ 27/10/2022

Statement of Catherine Allen, 16.09.2022, including:


Statement of Catherine Allen, 19.09.2022.

Including annexures 'CA-01’ to ‘CA-91’.

173 Statement of Catherine Allen, 11.10.2022, including annexures 'CA-01’ to ‘CA-121’ 27/10/2022
174 Statement of Catherine Allen, 20.10.2022, including annexures 'CA-01’ to ‘CA-16’ EXH 174a 27/10/2022
175 Second statement of Catherine Allen, 20.10.2022, including annexures 'CA-01’ to ‘CA-96’ 27/10/2022
176 Chat log between Cathie Allen and Luke Ryan, 06.02.2018 28/10/2022
177 Project Report #185 – Validation of two QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR Systems, 05.02.2019 31/10/2022
178 Email from Cathie Allen to Paul Csoban, ‘Current Situation’, 12.12.2016 31/10/2022
179 Catherine Allen’s Diary Note, 10.01.2017 31/10/2022
180 FSS Forensic DNA Analysis – Management Team Meeting Minutes, 05.02.2016 31/10/2022
181 Email from Cathie Allen to Josie Entwistle, ‘FW Rework requests’, 26.02.2020 31/10/2022
182 Email from Cathie Allen to Justin Howes, ‘Process re: Reworks on reported mixtures’, 25.01.2019 31/10/2022
183 Volume Crime Processing in P+ instead of PP21, undated 01/11/2022
184 Email from Paul Csoban to Cathie Allen, ‘FW Draft Confidential Review Report’, 11.01.2018 01/11/2022
185 Email from Cathie Allen to Paul Csoban, ‘FW Review of report’, 11.01.2018 01/11/2022
186 Email from Cathie Allen to Paul Csoban & [Redacted], ‘Feedback’, 25.01.2018 01/11/2022

Exhibit number Title Tendered

Statement of Alicia Quartermain dated 21.09.2022.

Including Annexures ‘AQ-01’ to ‘AQ-07’.


Statement of Alicia Quartermain dated 6.10.2022.

Including Annexure ‘AQ-01’.

61 Email from Alicia Quartermain dated 07.03.2019 RE ‘DNA Insufficient for further processing’ 10/10/2022
62 Email from Alicia Quartermain to Cathie Allen RE: “Compulsory Closure 2020/2021”, dated 20.11.2020 11/10/2022
63 Email from Alicia Quartermain to Cathie Allen RE: “FW: Email – to follow-up”, dated 25.11.2020 11/10/2022

Statement of Angelina Keller, dated 6.10.2022, including annexures ‘AK-01’ to ‘AK-41’

64a Legible alternative to Annexure ‘AK-37’ of Angelina Keller’s 6.10.2022 Statement 11/10/2022
65 Email from Allan McNevin to Management team relating to Tergazyme, ‘Change in process – please vote’, 21.06.2019 11/10/2022
66 Report by Dr Duncan Taylor: ‘Review of the validation material from the Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (QH)’, dated 07.10.2022 12/10/2022
67 Statement of Rhys Parry, dated 28th September 2022, including annexures ‘RP-01’ to ‘RP-11’ 12/10/2022
68 Email from Rhys Parry to Laura Reece, ‘Clarification wrt Section 14.5 of Review by Duncan Taylor’, dated 10.10.2022 12/10/2022
69 Email from Rhys Parry to Paula Brisotto, ‘Supplemental Experimental Design – Validation of QIASymphony SP for Bone Extraction.docx’, dated 30.04.2018 12/10/2022
70 Project Proposal #192 Supplemental, dated 27.04.2018 12/10/2022
71 Project Proposal #192 Validation of QIAsymphony SP for bone extraction - Supplementary Repeatability and Reproducibility Version 2.0, 05.04.2019 12/10/2022
72 Statement of Emma-Jayne Caunt, dated 16.09.2022 including Annexures ‘EC-01’ to ‘EC-09’ 12/10/2022
73 Second Statement of Emma-Jayne Caunt, dated 6.10.2022, including Annexures ‘EC-01’ to ‘EC-18’ 12/10/2022
74 Email from Emma Caunt to Counsel Assisting Susan Hedge, ‘Report of Dr Duncan Taylor’, dated 11.10.2022 12/10/2022
75 Project #107: PowerPlex 21 – Amplification of Extracted DNA Validation, dated 17.12.12 12/10/2022
76 Two entries from Minor Change Register, 04.02.2013 and 22.02.2013 12/10/2022
77 Statement of Ingrid Moeller dated 06.10.2022, including annexures ‘IM-01’ to ‘IM-16’ 13/10/2022
78 Statement of Kylie Rika, dated 06.10.2022, including annexures ‘KR-01’ to ‘KR-14’ 13/10/2022
79 Email from Allan McNevin to Paula Brisotto, ‘RE: Project 181’, 20.07.2016 13/10/2022
80 Email from Amanda Reeves to Justin Howes, ‘RE: Proposal for consideration’, 28.07.2016 13/10/2022
81 Email from Peter Bristow to Kylie Rika, ‘RE: Feedback and Workplace Edge’, 31.01.2018 13/10/2022
82 Project #181 Proposal documents, 08.03.2019 13/10/2022
83 Email from Kylie Rika to Paula Brisotto, ‘RE: Data Analysis report_draft1KDR2.doc’, 09.06.2017 13/10/2022
84 ‘Data Analysis of modified sexual assault process for zero spermatozoa detected at Evidence Recovery’, 05.2017, as amended by Kylie Rika 13/10/2022
85 Email from Matthew Hunt to Paula Brisotto, ‘Data Analysis report_draft1 – LBR track changes_MOH track changes’, 01.08.2017 13/10/2022
86 ‘Data Analysis of modified sexual assault process for zero spermatozoa detected at Evidence Recovery’, 05.2017, as amended by Matthew Hunt and Luke Ryan 13/10/2022
87 Email chain between Allan Mcnevin, Paula Brisotto and Kylie Rika, ‘RE: Data Analysis Report’, 23.07.2020 13/10/2022
88 List of documents: Duncan Taylor’s expert report and annexures, 14.10.2022 14/10/2022
89 14/10/2022
90 Index of documents in relation to sperm microscopy 17/10/2022
91 17/10/2022
92 SOP: Examination of Sexual Cases 29.01.2015 17/10/2022
93 Project #153 – Verification of Cleaning Reagents for use in Forensic DNA Analysis, 22.06.2015 18/10/2022
94 Draft review by Workplace Edge, 10.01.2018 18/10/2022
95 Email from Therese O’Connor to Kylie Rika ‘RE: For Therese’s eyes only’, 21.05.2018 18/10/2022
96 Brief of evidence for Michel Lok 19/10/2022
97 Presentation Slides, ‘Feedback from the Reporting Teams’, 12.2017 19/10/2022
98 Proof of evidence – John Doherty 19/10/2022
99 Letter from Paul Csoban to Amanda Reeves, 03.02.2017 20/10/2022
100 Letter from Amanda Reeves to Paul Csoban, 05.02.2017 20/10/2022
101 Email from Cathie Allen to Paul Csoban, ‘RE: Documents for Scientific Review’, 10.02.2017 20/10/2022
102 Email from Cathie Allen to Paul Csoban, 'RE Confirmation of instructions', 28.03.2017 20/10/2022
103 ESR - Scientific Review/Terms of Reference, 21.01.2017 20/10/2022
104 AP Paper – False Positive Investigation, 11.11.2016 20/10/2022
105 Email from Cathie Allen to Paul Csoban, ‘RE: ESR REport’, 28.03.2017 20/10/2022
106 Email from Cathie Allen to Andria Wyman-Clarke and Andrew Riddell, ‘Thursday afternoon’, 30.03.2018, and attachments 20/10/2022
107 Email from Justin Howes to Scott McLaren and Paula Brisotto, ‘RE: Options for Volume crime processing’, 19.07.2017 20/10/2022
108 Email from Ashley Macfarlane to Shaun Mullholland, ‘FW: CONFIDENTIAL: Amanda Reeves – State Senior Forensic DNA Reporting Scientist’, with annotations by Jade Franklin, 23.06.2017 20/10/2022
109 Email from Cathie Allen to Andria Wyman-Clarke and Paul Csoban, ‘FW Thursday afternoon’, 19.04.2018, and attachments 20/10/2022
110 Email from Dale Frieberg to Cathie Allen, ‘RE: DNA Profiling Kit’, 06.09.2017 20/10/2022
111 Letter from Clayton Utz to Jade Franklin, ‘Amanda Reeves – Management of employment issues’, 24.03.2017 20/10/2022
112 Email from Theresa Hodges to Paul Csoban, ‘RE: Workplace Edge Implementation – DNA’, 22.01.2018 20/10/2022
113 Supplementary Statement of Paula Brisotto, 17.10.2022, including annexures ‘PB-129’ to ‘PB-137’ 20/10/2022
114 Second Supplementary Statement of Paula Brisotto, 18.10.2022, including annexures ‘PB-138’ to ‘PB-152’ 20/10/2022
115 Email from Paula Brisotto to Justin Howes, ‘RE Project #184 for review’, 19.12.2017 20/10/2022
116 Cathie Allen’s diary note of meeting with Paula Brisotto, 12.01.2018 21/10/2022
117 Email from Justin Howes to Cathie Allen and Paula Brisotto, ‘options report’, 19.01.2018 21/10/2022
118 Email from Cathie Allen to management team, ‘Microcon Options Paper’, 05.02.2018 21/10/2022
119 Email from Cathie Allen to management team, ‘Microcon Options Paper’, 05.02.2018 21/10/2022
120 Email from Luke Ryan to Justin Howes, ‘FW Microcon Options Paper’, 06.02.2018 21/10/2022
121 Email from Paula Brisotto to Luke Ryan, ‘RE Microcon Options Paper’, 06.02.2018 21/10/2022
122 Email from Cathie Allen to Justin Howes and Paula Brisotto, ‘RE pls review’, 10.06.2022 21/10/2022
123 Email from Justin Howes to Cathie Allen and Paula Brisotto, ‘RE Exec Briefing’, 30.03.2022 21/10/2022
124 Email from Paula Brisotto Justin Howes, ‘Review report_March_2022_PMB’, 25.03.2022, and attachment 21/10/2022
124b Email from Justin Howes to Cathie Allen and Paula Brisotto, ‘RE Exec Briefing’, 05.04.2022 21/10/2022
125 Email from Luke Ryan to his team, ‘DNA Insufficient – Quant transition to Amp’, 06.06.2022 21/10/2022
126 Email from Alicia Quartermain, ‘DNA Insufficient for further processing’, 07.03.2019 21/10/2022
127 Email from Cathie Allen to Paula Brisotto and Justin Howes, ‘FW Removal of the microcon step from P1 workflow’, 15.11.2018 21/10/2022
128 Email from Paula Brisotto to Cathie Allen, ‘RE NDNAD/DIFP’, 29.03.2022 21/10/2022
128b Forensic Register Printout (withheld) 21/10/2022

Exhibit number Title Tendered

Statement of Kylie Dale Rika dated 09.08.2022.

Including annexures KDR-1 to KDR-6.


Statement of Kylie Dale Rika dated 16.09.20.

Including annexures KR-01 to KR-19.


Statement of David Harold Neville dated 26.08.2022


Forensic DNA Analysis Team Chart as at 27.06.2022


Project 184 project plan


Email from Justin Howes to reviewing scientists, ‘Project #184 for review’, 30.11.2017.


Project 184 report


Excel spreadsheet: Options Paper Feedback - Feedback on versions, December 2017.


Email from Dale Frieberg to Ewen Taylor, ‘FW: Options Paper for consideration’, 30.01.2018.


A review of the automatic concentration of DNA extracts: using Microcon Centrifugal Filter Devices: Options for QPS consideration, January 2018.


Email form Lara Keller to Shaun Drummond, ‘Forensic DNA testing impacts’, 03.06.2022.


Statement of David Harold Neville dated 14.09.2022


Email from Helen Gregg to David Rosengren, ‘Wording to describe pre-2018 thresholds and options’, 17.08.2022.


Proposal #163: Assessment of results obtained from ‘auto-microcon’ samples - Project Plan (signed), June 2015.


Email from Justin Howes to reporting scientists, ‘Assistance in TAT reduction’, 27.03.2015.


Initial Request, Proposal #163, ‘Assessment of results obtained from auto-microcon samples’, 01.04.2015.


Assessment of results obtained from ‘automatic microcon’ samples, August 2015.


Email from Justin Howes to Thomas Nurthen, Kylie Rika, Sharon Johnstone, Amanda Reeves, ‘RE: wording for DNA insuff’, 07.02.2018.


Email from Kylie Rika to Justin Howes, Thomas Nurthen, Sharon Johnstone, ‘RE: wording for DNA insuff’, 07.02.2018.


Email from Justin Howes to Emma Caunt, Kylie Rika, Matthew Hunt, Rhys Parry, ‘Re: Fwd: amp differences’, 02.10.2013.


Addendum Statement of David Harold Neville dated 8 September 2022


Standard Operating Procedure 17117V19, ‘Procedure for Case Management’, valid from 24.04.2017.

23 Email from Amanda Reeves to Allan McNevin, ‘RE: Time for brief discussion please’, 09.06.2016 28/09/2022
24 Statement of Lara Keller, dated 20.09.2022 28/09/2022

Email from Kylie Rika to Justin Howes, ‘RE: 1092496630’, 03.06.2020


Report into the QHFSS Options Paper

27 Report as to the appropriateness of process by which scientists are not performing micro-concentration 28/09/2022

Australian Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2018, ‘General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories’.

28A Exh 28A, Statement of Dale Frieberg dated 05.09.2022 29/09/2022

The Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Post-Extraction Concentration Step Using the Microcon Centrifugal Filter Devices in Yielding DNA Profile Intelligence, January 2018.


A review of the automatic concentration of DNA extracts: using Microcon Centrifugal Filter Devices: Options for QPS consideration, January 2018.


Review and Assessment of the Appropriateness of Not Concentrating Low Quantity DNA Samples by Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (QHFSS), Bruce Budowle, Ph. D., 15.09.2022.


Assessment of the Options Paper and Update Paper Prepared by Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (QHFSS), Bruce Budowle, Ph. D., 19.09.2022.


Email chain between Catherine Allen and Dale Frieberg ‘RE: DNA Profiling Kits’, 06.12.2017


Options Paper: ‘Considerations for a new DNA profiling kit for use on casework  samples in Forensic DNA Analysis’, 25.10.2016


Statement of Catherine Allen dated 16.09.2022, Annexure ‘CA-103’:
Email chain between Catherine Allen and Dale Frieberg, ‘RE: Volume Crime Samples’, 22.01.2018


Statement of Catherine Allen dated 16.09.2022, Annexure ‘CA-104’:
Email chain between Catherine Allen and Dale Frieberg, ‘RE: Options Paper for Consideration’, 30.01.2018


Statement of Ewen Taylor, dated 23rd August 2022, including annexures ‘Exhibit 1’ to ‘Exhibit 7’


Statement of Paul Csoban dated 15th September 2022, including annexures ‘PC-1 to ‘PC-2’


Statement of Detective Sergeant [withheld] dated 20.09.2022, including annexures 1 to 6


Statement of Senior Constable [withheld] dated 20.09.2022, including annexures 1 to 11


Addendum statement of Senior Constable [withheld] dated 26.09.2022, including annexure 1


Statement of Michael Lok dated 16.09.2022


Statement of Michael Walsh dated 23.09.2022, including annexures “MW-01” to “MW-03”


Statement of Stephan Paul Foxover dated 16.09.2022, including annexures ‘Exhibit 1’ to ‘Exhibit 5’


Further Statement of Darren John Pobar dated 15.09.2022, including annexures ‘Exhibit 9’ to ‘Exhibit 13’


Statement of Paula Brisotto dated 21.09.2022, including annexures ‘PB-00’ to ‘PB-128’


Initial request - restart of project #163, dated 27.04.2017


Project Proposal #184, dated 31.08.2017

53 Statement of Shaun Drummond dated 21.09.2022, including annexures ‘SD-1’ to ‘SD-10’ 04/10/2022
54 Draft Briefing Note to Director-General of QH, ‘Additional resources to support Forensic DNA Analysis during Commission of Inquiry’, 14.06.2022 04/10/2022
55 Summary of Public Interest Disclosure by QH Ethical Standards Unit, 22.03.2022 04/10/2022
56 Memorandum from Shaun Drummond to Lara Keller, ‘Temporary pause to DNA testing of certain samples’ 30.09.2022 04/10/2022
57 Statement of Helen Gregg, undated, including annexures ‘HG-01’ to ‘HG-48’ 04/10/2022
58 Statement of David Rosengren dated 16.09.2022, including annexures ‘DR-00’ to ‘DR-38’ 04/10/2022
Last reviewed
19 December, 2022
Last updated
19 December, 2022